a special place for your
wedding, party or event...
Details of upcoming Balquhidder Hall events can be found here. Many will be promoted and shared on local social media.

2024 Balquhidder Hogmanay Party
Balquhidder Hall - 31st Dec 9pm-1am
All local households are invited to come along to Balquhidder Village hall for the final hours of 2024, to bring in the bells and welcome in the new year together!
The evening will feature the Pipes and Drums of Balquhidder, a few dances, music, chat, hilarity and always, a couple of surprises! All entertainment is from homegrown local talent, so please bring your warmest enthusiasm and support for their wonderful efforts to make the evening special.
SEAT Reservations for local households
There is no charge for entry and, while the doors will be open all evening for anyone wanting to pop in, seating is limited. LOCAL HOUSEHOLDS are therefore invited to reserve seats for the evening.
Please note that seats will be allocated on a first come first served basis - advice is to reserve early!
BYO Hamper of Drink & Food
Please come equipped with your own hamper of drink and food for the evening and be sure to bring all your own glasses plus some bin bags to take all your rubbish home.
Why not make a full evening of it... and get together with others for early evening drinks, food and merriment, before heading to the hall to meet everyone else.
2030: Hall doors open
2100: Pipes and Drums
2345: Auld Lang Syne followed by the Bells
0000: The DJWebster late set!
0100: Hall closes for first footing

Balquhidder New Year's Day Ceilidh
Balquhidder Hall - 1st Jan 2025 8pm-12am
The annual Balquhidder New Year Ceilidh once again promises a wild night to the sound of the Stuart McKeown Ceilidh Band.
Tickets - £12
Concessions (U12's) - £5
U5's - FREE
BYO Drinks + Glasses
Any queries to Fiona & Andrew Leishman
Tel: 07745 198854
Email: ajfsleishman@aol.com